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Build on Scroll Bootcamp

Build on Scroll Bootcamp

100% free

4 weeks

Intermediate Level





Next cohort

Cohort II

Application deadline

14 July 2024 23:59
(14 July 2024 23:59 GMT)

Build on Scroll Bootcamp

100% free

4 weeks

Intermediate Level



General Info

Welcome to the Build on Scroll Bootcamp. In this program you will learn how to implement Zero-knowledge proof in your projects and how to build Smart Contract on Scroll. So let's build! 🚀

What will you find here?
💡 Gain an understanding of zero-knowledge proof, important Scroll concepts and Solidity.
⛓ Explore the position of Scroll as a Layer-2 blockchain and the advantages of developing on Scroll. 
👨‍💻 Learn how to build a smart contract on Scroll.
🎙 Connect with experienced blockchain mentors.
📚 Access to documentation, code samples, and tools to support your learning journey.

What is next for graduates?
🎫 You will receive a special Rise In certificate.
✍ You will have a strong grasp of Solidity, enabling you to create and understand smart contracts.
🛠 You will better understand the solutions offered by Scroll and be able to direct your projects accordingly.

What happens when you apply?
✅ You must fill out the Assessment Form so that we can get to know you better!
📧 After a successful application, you'll receive an invitation for the kick-off meeting, where you'll receive the essential details about the program to start your learning journey.

Join us if:
😊 You enjoy sharing your knowledge with others in an engaging way!
🌐 You are interested in zero-knowledge proof technology and Scroll.
💼 You want build a web3 project portfolio.

And hey, just so you know, the program is FREE and completely ONLINE! Let's explore and shape your career in exciting new directions together! 🚀


Welcome to the Build on Scroll Bootcamp!

Welcome to the Build on Scroll Bootcamp. In this program you will learn how to implement Zero-knowledge proof in your projects and how to build Smart Contract on Scroll. So let's build! 🚀


What You’ll Find Here 🤩

💡 Gain an understanding of zero-knowledge proof, important Scroll concepts and Solidity.

⛓ Explore the position of Scroll as a Layer-2 blockchain and the advantages of developing on Scroll.

👨‍💻 Learn how to build a smart contract on Scroll.

🎙 Connect with experienced blockchain mentors.

📚 Access to documentation, code samples, and tools to support your learning journey.

🎫 You will receive a special Rise In certificate.

✍ You will have a strong grasp of Solidity, enabling you to create and understand smart contracts.

🛠 You will better understand the solutions offered by Scroll and be able to direct your projects accordingly.

Join us if:

😊 You enjoy sharing your knowledge with others in an engaging way!

🌐 You are interested in zero-knowledge proof technology and Scroll.

💼 You want build a web3 project portfolio.

And hey, just so you know, the program is FREE and completely ONLINE! Let's explore and shape your career in exciting new directions together! 🚀


Application process

✅ You must fill out the Assessment Form so that we can get to know you better!

📧 After a successful application, you'll receive an invitation for the kick-off meeting, where you'll receive the essential details about the program to start your learning journey.

Join our community

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Build on Scroll Bootcamp



Next cohort

Cohort II

Application deadline

14 July 2024 23:59
(14 July 2024 23:59 GMT)

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