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Transition to Web3 in Nigeria

Transition to Web3 in Nigeria

100% free

2 weeks

Beginner Level





Next cohort

Cohort 1

Application deadline

31 December 2023 19:17
(31 December 2023 19:17 GMT)

Transition to Web3 in Nigeria

100% free

2 weeks

Beginner Level



General Info

Transition to Web3 in Nigeria Bootcamp was created in partnership with Web3 Digest, which aims to be a bridge for web3 adoption across Africa.šŸŒ

This bootcamp provides a foundation for web3 and the core concepts of this rapidly developing field.Ā šŸš€

What will you gain at the end of this program?

  1. You'll have solid understanding of web3 and its concepts, enabling you to apply them to real-world web3 projects.Ā šŸ’»

  2. You will receive a special Rise In certificate.Ā šŸŖŖ

  3. Graduation ceremony in Lagos with successful graduates.Ā šŸ„³

  4. Being able to evaluate new opportunities and explore different fields in the web3.Ā šŸŽŸļø


Web3 Fundementals

  1. Web1 and Web2

  2. Blockchain Comes Into Play

  3. Web3 As a New Iteration for WebĀ 

  4. Web3 Use Cases

  5. The Architecture of a dApp

  6. Web3 Limitations and Challenges

Blockchain Basics

  1. Hashing the data

  2. Block of data

  3. Chaining the blocks

  4. Single chains

  5. Distributed chains

  6. Which chain represents the truth?

  7. A time-consuming puzzle

  8. Multiple computers working on the puzzle

  9. Solving the puzzle: Mining

  10. How difficult is it to find a nonce?

  11. Solving the puzzle: Mining - Cont

  12. Many computers trying to solve the puzzle: Nodes

Transactions and Bitcoin

  1. Storing transactions in a block

  2. Protecting against false transactions with public and private keys

  3. Creating a signature to authorize transactions

  4. Adding transactions into blocks

  5. Digital currencies

  6. Issuing new bitcoins

  7. Coinbase

  8. Bitcoin today

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Transition to Web3 in Nigeria



Next cohort

Cohort 1

Application deadline

31 December 2023 19:17
(31 December 2023 19:17 GMT)

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