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Build on Aptos

Although you have seen Remix IDE until now, we can also use local development environment. In the future, after you get comfortable with Aptos development, my suggestion is to switch to local environment but you can work with Remix IDE until you are comfortable.

In this guide you will find 2 steps.

  1. Installing CLI
  2. Creating and Account and Funding it

STEP 1: Install CLI

  • First thing you need to do is to set up the CLI.
  • Here is the link: https://aptos.dev/en/build/cl.
  • You will find the installation for Linux, Windows and Mac in this link.
  • After you have installed the CLI, you will continue with the next step.

STEP 2: Creating an Account and Funding It

Please start a new terminal and paste the following command.

  • This command will initialize a new local account.
aptos init
  • You will see output asking to choose a network:
Choose network from [devnet, testnet, mainnet, local, custom | defaults to devnet]
  • Press return to accept the default devnet network or specify the network of your choosing:
No network given, using devnet...
  • See and respond to the prompt for your private key by accepting the default to create a new or by entering an existing key:
Enter your private key as a hex literal (0x...) [Current: None | No input: Generate new key (or keep one if present)]
  • Assuming you elected to create a new, you will see:
No key given, generating key...

Account a345dbfb0c94416589721360f207dcc92ecfe4f06d8ddc1c286f569d59721e5a doesn't exist, creating it and funding it with 100000000 Octas

Account a345dbfb0c94416589721360f207dcc92ecfe4f06d8ddc1c286f569d59721e5a funded successfully 


Aptos CLI is now set up for account a345dbfb0c94416589721360f207dcc92ecfe4f06d8ddc1c286f569d59721e5a as profile default!  

Run `aptos --help` for more information about commands{  "Result": "Success"}
  • The account address in the above output
a345dbfb0c94416589721360f207dcc92ecfe4f06d8ddc1c286f569d59721e5a is your new account and is aliased as the profile default. 

This account address will be different for you as it is generated randomly.

Of course, substitute your own address as needed.

  • Now fund this account by running this command:
aptos account fund-with-faucet --account default
  • You will see output resembling:
{  "Result": "Added 100000000 Octas to account a345dbfb0c94416589721360f207dcc92ecfe4f06d8ddc1c286f569d59721e5a"}

And this is it! Hopefully, it worked without a problem. If you have any problems, do not hesitate to ask.


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