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Variables and Data Types

Welcome back to our Solidity series! Today, we're diving deeper into the world of variables and data types. Think of variables as containers where you store different types of data, much like various bins in a workshop, each designed to hold specific tools or materials. In Solidity, these "bins" are strictly labeled because the language needs to understand what's inside to operate efficiently. Let's explore these containers and see how you can utilize them in your smart contracts.

What Are Variables?

Variables in Solidity are placeholders used to store data. They can hold values such as numbers, texts, or more complex structures. Declaring a variable is like declaring what type of data you expect to store in your bin and then naming it.

Data Types

Solidity provides various data types to cater to the needs of your program. Let's examine the foundational types and then move on to more complex structures.

  • uint: Stands for "unsigned integer." It represents non-negative integers of various sizes. You can specify the size as uint8, uint16, uint32, all the way up to uint256, with the default being uint256, meaning that if you do not provide the type, it will be automatically will be uint256 (uint -> uint256). Each step increases the maximum number it can store.
uint8 smallNumber = 255;

uint largeNumber = 123456789;
  • int: Represents integers that can be both positive and negative. Like uint, int also comes in various sizes from int8 to int256.
int mediumNumber = -12345;

int256 bigNumber = -123456789012345;
  • bool: A simple true/false data type. It's like an on/off switch in your code.
bool isRegistered = true;
  • address: This type is used to store addresses. Each address corresponds to an account or contract on the blockchain.
address userAddress = 0xAb390...;
  • string: Used to store sequences of characters, useful for names, descriptions, or any other textual content.
string name = "Alice";
  • bytes: Solidity offers byte types for storing raw byte data. Types range from bytes1 to bytes32. There's also a dynamic bytes type for arbitrary-length data.
bytes32 hash = "abc123...";

bytes memory data = "Dynamic length bytes";
  • structs: Structs allow you to create more complex data types that group together multiple variables.
struct Person {

      string name;

      uint age;


  Person public alice = Person("Alice", 30);
  • enums: Enums help you define a variable that should have one of a small set of predefined values. These are useful for keeping track of states or choices.
enum State { Waiting, Ready, Active }

State public currentState = State.Waiting;

Declaring Variables

Here's how you to declare these variables in a Solidity contract:

pragma solidity ^0.8.0;

contract MyContract {

    uint public count = 10;

    bool private isActive = false;

    address public ownerAddress;

    string private greeting = "Hello";

    struct Book {

        string title;

        string author;

        uint year;


    Book public book;

    enum Phase { Init, Running, Stopped }

    Phase public currentPhase = Phase.Init;

    function setBook(string memory *title, string memory* author, uint \_year) public {

        book = Book(\_title, *author,* year);


    function changePhase(Phase \_newPhase) public {

        currentPhase = \_newPhase;


Do not worry about the functions. Just focus on how the book and currentPhase is created in the functions. We will focus more on functions later in the course.


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