Learn everything about Move on Sui
Interacting with Sui Blockchain from the Frontend-2
Step 5
// Create new TransactionBlock
const tx = new TransactionBlock();
// Define user object
const user = tx.object("0x...");
Now create a new, empty TransactionBlock and add the object ID of the user account that will send the transactions.
Step 6
// Make Move call
target: ${packageObjectId}::module::function,
arguments: [...args],
coin: coin,
To make a Move call, use the TransactionBlock's moveCall method. Pass it the function name, arguments, and a payment coin.
Step 7
// Sign and execute transaction
const result = await signAndExecuteTransactionBlock({ transactionBlock: tx });
Finally, sign the transaction block via the wallet hook and execute it by passing it to the Sui client. This will return the execution results.
Well, that wasn’t so bad, right? Since these are new to you, it can take some time to get used to it, but you will see that it gets easier by time.
To learn more, you can look at this great documentation from Sui.
In the following part, you will find an example code to call functions from your DevHub smart contract.
You can directly use this code in your React project. Do not forget to replace the placeholders with your object ids.
// Sui Imports
import { getFullnodeUrl, SuiClient } from '@mysten/sui.js/client';
import { TransactionBlock } from '@mysten/sui.js/transactions';
import { useWalletKit } from '@mysten/wallet-kit';
export const useMoveCalls = () => {
const client = new SuiClient({ url: getFullnodeUrl('devnet') });
const { signAndExecuteTransactionBlock } = useWalletKit();
const packageObjectId = '0x…'; // deployed object id for creating developer card
const tx = new TransactionBlock(); // Create a transaction block
const devhub = tx.object("0x…")
// Move Calls
const handleCreateDeveloperCard = async () => {
try {
const [coin] = tx.splitCoins(tx.gas, [1]) // define payment coin
// Calls the create_card function from the devcard package
target: ${packageObjectId}::devcard::create_card,
arguments: [
tx.pure.string('Matt Patt'), // name
tx.pure.string('Frontend Developer'), // title
), // img_url
tx.pure.u8(3), // years_of_experience
tx.pure.string('JavaScript, Typescript, Next.js, Node.js'), // technologies
tx.pure.string('https://mattpatt.dev'), // portfolio
tx.pure.string('[email protected]'), // contact
coin, // payment coin
devhub, // devhub obj
// Sign and execute the transaction block
const result = await signAndExecuteTransactionBlock({ transactionBlock: tx });
} catch (error) {
// Handle the error
const updateCardDescriptionFunction = async () => {
try {
// Calls update_card_description function from the devcard package
target: ${packageObjectId}::devcard::update_card_description,
arguments: [
devhub, // devhub obj
tx.pure.string('New description'),
// Sign and execute the transaction block
const result = await signAndExecuteTransactionBlock({ transactionBlock: tx });
} catch (error) {
// Handle the error
const deactivateCard = async () => {
try {
// Calls deactivate_card function from the devcard package
target: ${packageObjectId}::devcard::deactivate_card,
arguments: [
devhub, // devhub obj
// Sign and execute the transaction block
const result = await signAndExecuteTransactionBlock({ transactionBlock: tx });
} catch (error) {
// Handle the error
return {handleCreateDeveloperCard, updateCardDescritonFunction, deactivateCard}
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