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Introduction to Rust syntax
Welcome to the introduction to Rust syntax! In this section, we'll go over some of the basics of Rust syntax and show you how to write your first Rust program. Don't worry if you're not familiar with Rust yet - we'll start from the basics and build up from there.
First things first, let's talk about variables. In Rust, you declare variables using the let keyword, followed by the variable name and the value you want to assign to it. For example, if you want to declare a variable called message that contains the string "Hello, world!", you would write:
let message = "Hello, world!";
Easy enough, right? Rust also has several built-in data types, including integers, floating-point numbers, booleans, and characters. You can declare variables of these types using the same let keyword and specifying the type of the variable using a colon (:) followed by the type. Here's an example:
let x: i32 = 42;
let pi: f64 = 3.14159;
let is_rust_fun: bool = true;
let letter_a: char = 'a';
Next up, let's talk about functions. In Rust, you define functions using the fn keyword, followed by the function name, the arguments in parentheses (if any), and the function body in curly braces. Here's an example of a simple function that takes two arguments and returns their sum:
fn add(x: i32, y: i32) -> i32 {
x + y
Note that Rust is an expression-based language, which means that functions (and many other things) can be used as expressions that evaluate to a value. In the example above, the function body consists of a single expression that adds x and y together, and that expression is what the function returns.
Finally, let's talk about control flow statements. Rust has several familiar control flow statements, including if and while. Here's an example of an if statement that checks if a number is greater than or equal to zero:
let x = 42;
if x >= 0 {
println!("x is non-negative");
} else {
println!("x is negative");
And here's an example of a while loop that counts from 1 to 5:
let mut i = 1; while i <= 5 { println!("{}", i); i += 1; }
So that's a brief introduction to Rust syntax! We hope this section has given you a taste of what Rust looks like and how it works. Keep in mind that there's a lot more to Rust than what we've covered here, but this should be enough to get you started. And don't worry if you don't understand everything right away - Rust can be tricky, but it can also be a lot of fun. As they say in the Rust community, "If at first you don't succeed, try, try, and try cargo run again!"
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