Learn everything about Solidity
Creating a Counter
In the last lesson, we have created our Proposal structure and we also defined a mapping for this structure. We also said that we need a system so that we can keep track of the ids.
In this lesson, we will be creating a Counter
so that we can keep track of the ids.
You can define the counter as:
uint256 private counter;
After adding the counter, your contract should look like this:
// SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT
pragma solidity ^0.8.18;
contract ProposalContract {
uint256 private counter; // This line is added
struct Proposal {
string description; // Description of the proposal
uint256 approve; // Number of approve votes
uint256 reject; // Number of reject votes
uint256 pass; // Number of pass votes
uint256 total_vote_to_end; // When the total votes in the proposal reaches this limit, proposal ends
bool current_state; // This shows the current state of the proposal, meaning whether if passes of fails
bool is_active; // This shows if others can vote to our contract
mapping(uint256 => Proposal) proposal_history; // Recordings of previous proposals
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