Build on MultiversX
MultiversX dApp Adventure: Build Your Ping-Pong dApp in 15 Minutes
MultiversX dApp Adventure: Build Your Ping-Pong dApp in 15 Minutes
Let’s embark on a quick journey to build a simple decentralized app (dApp) on the MultiversX Blockchain. In this mission, you’ll create a Ping-Pong app where users can send tokens to a contract (ping) and claim them back after a specific lock period (pong). Ready? Let's do this in warp speed!
Step 1: Assemble Your Toolkit
- mxpy: This will help you create wallets and deploy your smart contract. Follow this guide to install it.
- Rust: Needed for building the smart contract. Install it along with sc-meta here.
Mission Brief: Ping-Pong dApp
In our dApp:
- Ping: Users deposit tokens (1 xEGLD) into the contract.
- Pong: Users retrieve tokens after a set lock period (10 minutes).
- Rules: Only one active ping per user at a time, and each deposit is fixed at 1 xEGLD.
Step 2: Set Up the dApp Structure
Let’s organize our files. Run these commands to create the basic structure:
mkdir -p ping-pong/wallet cd ping-pong
In this structure:
- wallet/: Stores your wallet PEM file.
- contract/: Holds the smart contract code.
- dapp/: Contains the web application.
Step 3: Create Your Owner Wallet
Run the command below to generate a wallet that will control the contract. Save the wallet’s PEM file in the wallet/ folder:
mxpy wallet new --format pem --outfile=./wallet/wallet-owner.pem
Don’t forget to fund this wallet with xEGLD from the Devnet faucet to cover transaction costs.
Step 4: The Brain – Smart Contract (Blockchain Layer)
Time to get our smart contract! Clone a template from GitHub and build it:
git clone <> contract
cd contract/ping-pong
sc-meta all build
This will produce a Web Assembly (WASM) binary (ping-pong.wasm) in the output/ directory.
This creates a Web Assembly (WASM) binary in output/ping-pong.wasm.
Step 5: Deploy the Smart Contract
Now we’re ready to launch this contract to the MultiversX Devnet. Replace 1000000000000000000 with 1 xEGLD and 600 with the lock period in seconds (600 = 10 minutes).
mxpy --verbose contract deploy \\
--bytecode output/ping-pong.wasm \\
--pem ../../wallet/wallet-owner.pem \\
--recall-nonce \\
--gas-limit 60000000 \\
--arguments 1000000000000000000 600 \\
--chain D \\
--proxy <> \\
--outfile deploy-devnet.interaction.json \\
Check the logs for the Contract Address and Transaction Hash. Use the MultiversX Devnet Explorer to confirm it’s deployed!
Step 6: Frontend Magic (Application Layer)
Let’s add some visual sizzle to your dApp! Clone the dApp template from GitHub:
git clone <> dapp
cd dapp
Update Configuration
Open src/config/config-devnet.tsx and add your Contract Address to enable interaction with the smart contract.
Build and Launch the dApp
Make sure you have yarn installed, then run:
yarn install
yarn start:devnet
Your dApp should now be live on http://localhost:3000! Head over, sign in, and check out the Ping and Pong features!
Testing Your dApp
Ping: After signing in, click Ping to deposit tokens. Confirm the transaction to send 1 xEGLD.
Pong: Once the lock period is over, click Pong to reclaim the tokens back to your wallet.
Next Steps on the MultiversX Journey
You’ve just launched your first MultiversX dApp! There’s a universe to explore—extend the contract, improve the wallet experience, and dive deeper with MultiversX Documentation. You can also find more tips and ask questions on Stack Overflow.
Reference: here
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