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Wallet Connection & Transaction Sending with MultiversX

Wallet Connection & Transaction Sending with MultiversX

Ready to plug in a wallet and make transactions in your MultiversX dApp? Let’s dive in and see how the sdk-dapp library makes it a breeze to connect, interact, and send tokens!

Video Guide: Watch it in action

What You Need Before Starting

  • Node.js version 12.16.2+
  • NPM version v6.14.4+

Getting Started: Install the Library

First up, let’s grab the sdk-dapp library. This library will be our toolkit for wallet connections and transactions!

npm install @multiversx/sdk-dapp

Need just the essentials? Skip the optional stuff:

yarn add @multiversx/sdk-dapp

Set Up Your dApp

Wrap Your App in DappProvider

Like a cozy blanket, DappProvider wraps your app and manages all wallet connections and network interactions.

import { DappProvider } from "@multiversx/sdk-dapp/wrappers/DappProvider";

const App = () => (

  <DappProvider environment="devnet">

    {/\* Your application components go here \*/}



Pick your environment: devnet, testnet, or mainnet 🔗

Add Some UI Components for Transactions & Notifications

Want transaction toasts? Need modals? Just add these components:

import { TransactionsToastList } from "@multiversx/sdk-dapp/UI/TransactionsToastList";

<TransactionsToastList /> 

<SignTransactionsModals />

<NotificationModal />

Lock Down Routes with Authentication

Secure routes with AuthenticatedRoutesWrapper, so only logged-in users can see certain pages:

import { AuthenticatedRoutesWrapper } from "@multiversx/sdk-dapp/wrappers/AuthenticatedRoutesWrapper";

const routes = \[

  { path: "/dashboard", title: "Dashboard", component: Dashboard, authenticatedRoute: true }


&lt;AuthenticatedRoutesWrapper routes={routes} unlockRoute="/unlock"&gt;

  {/\* Your application content \*/}


Example Structure

Here’s a basic example structure of your React app with MultiversX wallet integration:

import React from "react";

import { DappProvider } from "@multiversx/sdk-dapp/wrappers/DappProvider";

import { TransactionsToastList } from "@multiversx/sdk-dapp/UI/TransactionsToastList";

import { SignTransactionsModals } from "@multiversx/sdk-dapp/UI/SignTransactionsModals";

import { NotificationModal } from "@multiversx/sdk-dapp/UI/NotificationModal";

import { AuthenticatedRoutesWrapper } from "@multiversx/sdk-dapp/wrappers/AuthenticatedRoutesWrapper";

const App = () =&gt; (

  &lt;DappProvider environment="devnet"&gt;

    &lt;SignTransactionsModals /&gt;

    &lt;NotificationModal /&gt;

    &lt;TransactionsToastList /&gt;

    &lt;AuthenticatedRoutesWrapper routes={routes} unlockRoute="/unlock"&gt;

      {/\* Main App Content \*/}




export default App;


Magic Buttons for Wallet Login

The MultiversX SDK offers several pre-built React components to facilitate user login via different wallets and manage authentication states.

Login Buttons

Four primary buttons allow users to log in through various providers:

  • ExtensionLoginButton: For browser extension wallets (e.g., MultiversX Wallet).
  • WalletConnectLoginButton: For mobile wallets using WalletConnect.
  • LedgerLoginButton: For logging in with Ledger hardware wallets.
  • WebWalletLoginButton: For web-based wallets.

Example usage:




  loginButtonText="Extension login"


You can also customize the buttons further by wrapping them with additional UI elements:




  loginButtonText="Extension login"



    <Icon />;

    <p>;Login text<;/p>;



Login Containers

If you prefer using the login modals directly without buttons, you can import and use the following containers:

  • WalletConnectLoginContainer
  • LedgerLoginContainer

Example usage:



  loginButtonText="Login with xPortal"

  title="xPortal Login"



  lead="Scan the QR code using xPortal"


Sending Transactions

Send transactions with a simple setup:

import { sendTransactions } from "@multiversx/sdk-dapp";

const { sessionId, error } = await sendTransactions({

  transactions: \[


      value: '1000000000000000000', // Amount in smallest units

      data: 'ping', // Transaction data

      receiver: contractAddress // Receiver address



  callbackRoute: "/dashboard", // Redirect after signing

  transactionsDisplayInfo: null, // Optional toast message

  minGasLimit: 50000, // Optional gas limit

  sessionInformation: null, // Optional session information

  signWithoutSending: false, // Sign only, do not send

  completedTransactionsDelay: 0, // Optional delay for status

  redirectAfterSigning: true // Redirect after signing



The function returns a Promise resolved with:

  • sessionId: Transaction batch ID for tracking.
  • error: Any errors encountered during the process.

Important Note

To sign the transaction, utilize the SignTransactionsModals or the useSignTransactions hook, as transactions won’t be signed otherwise.

Transaction Signing Flow

After submitting a transaction, you must prompt the user to sign it using either the SignTransactionsModals or the useSignTransactions hook:

const {








} = useSignTransactions();

This hook provides the state of transactions, allowing for a programmatic approach to abort the signing process if necessary.

Getting the Provider

To retrieve the current account provider and display appropriate messages:

const { providerType, provider } = useGetAccountProvider();

Wrapping It Up

Now you’ve got a wallet-connected dApp ready to send transactions and keep users updated with toasts and modals. For extra support, head to MultiversX SDK Docs.

Reference: here


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