Learn everything about Rust
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In this module, you will learn the core concept of Rust programming language like basic data types, ownership, structs and enums as well as more advanced concepts like iterators, error handling and lifetimes. At the end of the module, you will have enough knowledge about Rust to comfortably learn how to write smart contracts in blockchains that use Rust.
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Introduction to Rust
Why Rust?
Introduction to Rust syntax
Basic data types and variables
Functions and control flow
Ownership, Borrowing, and References
Ownership concept
Borrowing and References
Clone Function
Memory safety in Rust
Task: Implement a basic program that uses ownership concepts
Structs and Enums
Simple introduction to Option and Result
Common collections in Rust
Task: Create a simple calculator using enums and pattern matching
Traits and Generics
(Advanced) Trait Objects and Box Smart Pointer
Introduction to Generics and its usage in functions
Implementation of Generics using structs and enums in Rust
(Advanced) Lifetimes
Task: Creating a basic banking system using Traits
Iterators and Modules
Introduction to Iterator and its types in Rust
Understanding the usage of Iterators with loops
(Advanced) Closures
Modules and visibility
Task: Building a Custom Filtering Function in Rust
Error Handling
Panic! macro
Error handling
Creating and using custom error types
Task: Adding error handling to the basic banking system
Final Project and Advanced Topics
Final project
31 lessons
Earn certificate
4.98 score